Choose the perfect package for your child's unique reading needs

Before working with Mrs. Raj, my child was struggling with reading. He couldn't read simple sentences and didn't know any of his sight words. He didn't know all of his letter sounds. Now, my child has gone from not knowing his letter sounds to reading on a 3rd-grade reading level.
Lotoya D.
Mom of a 3rd-grader

Tutoring Packages

Little star package

  • 2 engaging sessions per week
  • Ideal for first-time learners at Lone Star Tutoring seeking the advantage of online tutoring

Our certified educators, through eight 30-minute sessions per month, tailor lessons to your child’s interests, ensuring maximum engagement and learning. 

The “Little Star” package is perfect for students starting their reading journey or requiring additional support in building foundational skills. Employing a science-backed approach, we empower your child to become confident and motivated readers. Progress and milestones are celebrated, fostering a lasting love for reading. 

Shinning Star Package

***our most popular package***

  • 3 engaging sessions per week
  • Tailored for students at any level, eager to excel in their reading skills

Our most popular package is designed to support families as their children navigate their reading journey. At Lone Star Tutor, we emphasize the collaboration between educators and specialists.

In addition to the expert guidance we provide; this comprehensive program nurtures your child’s reading abilities and boosts their confidence. 

Stellar Package

  • 4 engaging sessions per week
  • Tailored for parents and guardians noticing their child’s struggles in the reading journey

The “Stellar Package” is ideal for frustrated learners who may struggle with traditional methods, aiming to strengthen literacy skills and foster a positive relationship with reading

Our approach reinforces foundational skills like phonemic awareness, and reading comprehension within a supportive and engaging environment. 

Our experienced educators are dedicated to supporting struggling readers, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each lesson. 

Using a structured literacy approach, we meet your child where they are, identify gaps, and tailor a learning plan to strengthen literacy skills and boost confidence. 

PROOF THAT Your child will be motivated to read

Sick & tired of what the school isn't doing for your child?

  • Most schools aren’t using the most recent and effective methods to teach your child how to read. 
  • 90% of big-time tutoring companies are just not equipped to close reading gaps. 
  • Many tutors and therapists don’t focus on long-term success. 

4th Grade Tutoring Lesson

Let's get your child motivated and reading with confidence

we believe in success stories

Imagine a world where..

The Lone Star Tutor helps kids from kindergarten to grade 4 build their reading confidence

Before Online Tutoring

After Online Tutoring

Before working with Mrs. Raj, my smart son was struggling to call out words, he wasn't paying attention to the words he was reading, and I found myself getting upset and frustrated with him when I was reading with him. Tutoring has helped him not struggle with words and read with confidence.
Candrea J
Mom of a 1st-grader

When your child signs up for our tutoring program they'll...

Looking for someone to help tutor your child BOOK with her!!! She is the BEST she has been tutoring my grandchild for over 6 months now and you talking about improvement I can honestly say I have seen nothing but success! She's an A-roll student now!! Thank you so much for all you do!!!
Ortravon S.
Grandmother of a 1st-grader

Tutoring Frequently Asked Questions

Every child can benefit from working one-on-one with a certified teacher. There is nothing better than getting an individualized plan just for your child. The Star Reader program provides that for your child. 

Tutoring is an excellent option for students: 

  • who need one-on-one attention
  • who learns in a unique way
  • who needs foundational reading skills 
  • who are easily distracted. 

Yes, it’s worth the investment! The cost of tutoring corresponds with the quality of instruction and level of hands-on concierge customer service you will receive. Tutoring is personalized and based on your child’s strengths, challenges, and learning style.  Our approach is backed by the latest research and outstanding supporting materials. 

This depends on your child’s starting point, goals, and the amount of effort put in. We want you to be satisfied, so we provide you with highly trained, certified, motivated, and successful tutors. You provide dedication and hard work by practicing and sticking to realistic goals and expectations. 

Before booking a session, I will meet with your child to assess their current academic status. Parents will be provided with an in-depth report at the end of the assessment that breaks down their child’s strengths and areas of growth. 

We offer services for Kindergarten through third-grade students in reading and spelling. 

At this moment our services are only online.

Of course, we do! We offer a payment plan to help make the cost of tutoring fit your budget. 

However, remember, if you decide to enroll with a payment plan option, you are committing to making the complete payments until the total enrollment fee is paid in full. The payment options are not a subscription that you can pause or cancel. 

Have a question I didn’t answer here? Email me at rajalique@thelonestartutor.com

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This is not for you if...

Meet RAj- Your personalized online tutoring partner

Hey there, I’m Raj, and I’m on a mission to empower your child as a confident reader, both inside and outside the classroom.

With over a decade of experience in the lower elementary classroom, I’ve seen firsthand how intentional phonics instruction can transform young learners into confident, capable readers.

It became clear to me that this was the key to helping my second-graders not just read but read confidently.

Now, I’m passionate about extending this knowledge and expertise to as many students as possible. 

My goal is simple: to build strong foundational reading skills in your child, so they can embrace reading with confidence, find joy in learning, and ultimately, become leaders in their communities.

Your child’s journey to reading success begins here, with a personalized, hands-on online tutoring program designed to empower them every step of the way.

 Together, let’s unlock their full potential and set them on the path to a brighter future.


Now that I've shared all the insights you need to make an informed decision about tutoring for your child.

 if you’re still uncertain, let’s have a conversation!

I'm eager to be your child's guide on their journey to reading confidently, catching up in school, and becoming a shining beacon of positive change within their community. I'm genuinely excited for what lies ahead!